Friday, January 1, 2010

Day One

This is me!
Today is Friday, January 1st, 2010.
My starting weight is 311.8 pounds, and I'm 50.3% body fat.

My name is Erik Von Halle, and welcome to the DELTA Program. DELTA is my acronym for "Diet and Exercise for Lighter Transformed Anatomy".

My goal is to get lighter and healthier. My goal for this first month is to get to 49% body fat by February first. I hope to lose a pound per week. I plan to use this blog to document my progress and to answer a few questions. How much exercise is right for me? How much exercise does it take to add a pound of muscle? Can I lose weight with diet and exercise as opposed to just exercising?

I have a log book and I've been recording my exercise for years and it shows very little progress. I hope to use this web log to answer the question "What have I been doing wrong?"

The Plan

I'm in shape. Round is a shape, right? I've been putting on about five pounds a year since I graduated high school in 1975. That's going from 175 to an all time high of 330 pounds. It's affecting my health.

I am very well read. I've read lots of books and magazines on exercise. I've got a strong background in science. I'm an avid swimmer. I have access to lots of exercise equipment. I own a very nice BikeE recumbent bicycle. I have a gym membership at the National Fitness Center.

The plan is to use my Homedics body fat scale and a tape measure to record and graph my progress on the first of each month.

I will use cross training by rotating cycling, weight training, body weight exercises and swimming for at least three hours per week. I'll record my exercise and my daily weight in my log book.

I'm not sure what to do about my diet. I'm going to try to eat healthier and stop snacking between meals. I will also try to convert the snacks I do eat to fruits and health foods instead of junk food. The big change is to try eat a healthy brakfast everyday. Having an egg for breakfast each day seems to make a big difference in my appetite and keeps me from binging.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! Thanks for sharing this with me. I will try to keep up with you and can't wait to see your progress! So exciting :)
